Exceptional CT image quality
ZEISS scatterControl
The hardware solution for optimized image quality
The module ZEISS scatterControl significantly improves the image quality and reduces scatter artifacts of CT scans to a minimum. These improvements facilitate subsequent data handling and evaluation steps for suitable parts, resulting in even more accurate surface determination and defect analysis. The product is ideal for high voluminous and dense parts, such as additively manufactured metal parts and aluminum cast parts, even with steel inlays, as well as other assemblies containing denser materials.
The module is available for ZEISS METROTOM 1500 225kV G3, either as a retrofit solution or as part of the purchase of a new system. Upgrade your system with ZEISS scatterControl now and benefit from superior image quality for much easier data evaluation.
How you benefit from ZEISS scatterControl
Better image quality, better defect detection
ZEISS scatterControl significantly improves CT image quality by reducing the occurrence of artifacts caused by scattered radiation. The contrast between the different components is increased and defect detection is simplified: Areas of parts that were previously almost impossible to assess can now be evaluated.
Improved surface determination
Not only defect detection, but the overall quality of surface determination benefits from ZEISS scatterControl. This is a considerable advantage for metrology applications on challenging parts, where artifacts distract the surface determination process when they are not corrected.
Fast scanning with VAST mode
ZEISS scatterControl works with both ‘Stop and Go’ and VAST scanning mode. The scatterControl solution provides superior image quality for cone-beam CT that is comparable to the quality of fan-beam CT – but with up to 1000x faster scanning times.
Easy to use
ZEISS scatterControl is a one-click solution. The module works seamlessly with other useful features of METROTOM OS, such as VHD (Virtual Horizontal Detector Extension), AMMAR (Advanced Mixed Material Artifact Reduction) or VolumeMerge, and is fully integrated in the software.
ZEISS scatterControl for better defect analysis
ZEISS scatterControl significantly improves the image quality of CT scans for a range of parts and industries. There are clear reasons for that, ranging from efficient artifact removal to the positioning of the module in relation to the workpiece, which make ZEISS scatterControl the ideal choice. Find out how you can use the module for outstanding defect detection and analysis below.
Reduced artifacts for improved CT image quality
ZEISS scatterControl makes a clear difference. Use the slider element to compare the X-ray image quality that can be achieved with and without the scatterControl module. The improved image shows a higher contrast and fewer artifacts, making details stand out much more clearly.

Superior quality due to module positioning
ZEISS scatterControl achieves superior quality compared to similar products due to the working principle of the module: It is positioned between the tube and the detector. Smaller objects like dense additively manufactured parts can be placed in front of the module, larger objects behind. It works either way. Moreover, the built-in physical collision sensor and the sophisticated collision prediction software effectively prevent crashes.

Ideal for a range of parts and industries
- Foundry: Massive aluminum or magnesium parts, even with steel inlays
- Automotive: Castings with steel inlays, power electronics
- Additive manufacturing: Dense, metal-printed parts
Improved 3D inspection
Improvements on the volume data result in much easier evaluation. 3D surfaces can be determined and rendered without distracting artifacts. Many artifacts are typically a result of scattered radiation and cause pseudo surfaces in 3D that hinder accurate measurements.

Reliable evaluations software for X-ray inspection
The ZEISS Automated Defect Detection (ZADD) software reliably detects even the smallest defects – for injection-molded, medical, additively manufactured components and more.
Frequently asked questions about ZEISS scatterControl
Which workpieces benefit the most from ZEISS scatterControl?
Parts that benefit the most from ZEISS scatterControl include massive aluminum or magnesium parts, castings with steel inlays, power electronics, as well as dense and metal-printed parts to name just some examples.
How do I set up a scan with ZEISS scatterControl?
ZEISS scatterControl is a one-click solution. Software and hardware collision protection are already integrated, meaning you can start the scanning process without any extra steps.
I already have a ZEISS METROTOM 1500 G3. Can ZEISS scatterControl be retrofitted?
Yes, ZEISS scatterControl is an ideal retrofit solution for ZEISS METROTOM 1500 G3. Updates, for example for METROTOM OS, may be required to enhance your CT with the scatterControl module.